Peak Yoga Studio

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Peak Yoga Studio has the best instructors in the world.


Yoga 101 classes are free for beginners.
Two For One
Two Students. One Wallet. Valid through October.

Designed to challenge both the body and the mind, Peak Yoga classes build muscular strength, physical endurance and emotional resilience.

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Yoga 101
Everything you need to know to be successful in your first class.

How We Teach


Peak Yoga classes incorporate the wisdom of the yogic philosophy as it applies to our contemporary daily lives. Our classes develop physical strength and flexibility as well as mental clarity and emotional resilience.

Personal Assists

The best way to learn a pose is to feel it in your own body. That is why our instructors are committed to providing every student in every class with personal assists. This allows us to provide you with one-on-one feedback and bring the pose directly to your body.


All bodies are different, and by using props and modifications our instructors can make yoga available to most bodies regardless of flexibility, fitness level, age, physical condition or injury.
Note: We recommend all students, particularly those with injuries or physical conditions, consult with a physician before beginning a
yoga practice. Please inform your instructor of any physical condition before class.

Why Yoga?

Stress relief
Increased Energy
Strength and Flexibility
Mental Clarity
Improved Sleep
Improved Circulation
Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Decreased Blood Pressure
Stronger Immune System
Weight Management
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