YOGABINGO is BINGO with yoga-related activities in the squares (see the card below). The first people to complete a row, column, diagonal, “X” or “#” will get entered to win a prize. Complete the entire card and get entered to win a FREE 3-month membership.
YOGITOES * JADE yoga mat towel |
Note – before 1/5, the rules allowed Bonus Squares to be completed at any time, in effect allowing players to double-up and completed multiple squares in one day, but after further consideration, we changed this rule.
Request a YOGABINGO Card at the front desk or email and request that we start a card for you. Cards are free. With your YOGABINGO card you’ll receive two FREE class cards for the “Expand Community!” squares, a Peak Yoga car magnet and sticker.
Clearly print your name on the card and thumb tack it to the wall facing the reception desk.
First day to complete a square is 1/8/2016. Last day to complete a square is 2/8/2016.
Complete a Bonus Square and receive a Bonus Sticker which can be applied to any square. For example, if Yin/Restorative classes don’t fit into your schedule, complete a Bonus Square and place your Bonus Sticker on “Slow Down!”. You can NOT use Bonus Stickers to complete multiple squares from the 25-square grid in one day.
One activity can be applied to one square. For example, a Candlelight Restorative class can be applied to either “Dim the Lights!” or “Slow Down!”.
YOGABINGO cards must be marked by a Peak Yoga staff member.
Tell us about your updates by emailing OR write it on the sign-in sheet at the front desk. We don’t know what you’ve done if you don’t tell us!
Social media posts must reference Peak Yoga. For Facebook, note the location of Peak Yoga Studio. For Instagram, include the hashtag #peakyogadillon. For those who are not on social media, posts can be posted by a friend, but rules on using location or hashtag apply.
Be the first to complete a row, column, diagonal, “X” or “#” and get entered to win a prize. The day the first person completes a row, column, diagonal, “X” or “#” all people who show proof of completion of that shape by midnight that night will be included in the drawing. Drawing will happen the following day.
Complete the entire 25-square grid and get entered to win a free 3-month membership. Everyone who completes the entire 25-square grid by 2/8/2016 will be entered into the final drawing for a 3-month membership. Drawing will happen on 2/10/2016.
Winners will be e-mailed. Please take a printout of the e-mail to the front desk to claim your prize. |
● The Yamas & Niyamas by Deborah Adele |